Perception is Realtiy

Hi Pretties!!!

Hope everybody is enjoying their weekend!! I am definetly enjoying mines being in sunny Atlanta. I will be returning to Jersey tomorrow night, bitter-but sweet.

Sweet because I know I have to get back to work and school, to my life and to accomplishing my goals.  Every day puts me closer to my finish line.  Every test I take, every class I attend, every book I read, every good day at work, every time I meet my requirments; each and every one of these single tasks put me one step closer to where I need to, and want to be. 

How do I see this? Because this is my perception, my reality.

I have been told that I am too care free, that I just don't care enough.  So not the truth.  I just don't stress over what I can not control (which is anything besides myself).  Sure I have days that are not as great as others (notice I didnt say "I have bad days) but so what, it's still a day I lived, a memory I made, times I shared.  I have my life, which is more than someone had a second ago.  Like I said, everyday is a step closer to my goals. 

I didnt wake up with this wonderful new perception, it took a while.  I had to realize that I had to take responsibility for my life, it wasn't anyone or anything else's fault whether things good or bad happen to me.  Don't get me wrong I totally know that God is in control of everything and everyone, but God has also given us the materials we need to do what we need to change our perceptions, and therefore our realities. 

I have a friend who has more than enough money but everytime something comes up he complains, I couldn't take it anymore. I told him, stop complaining about what happened and thank God that you have the resources to take care of the situation.  The next day he text and said thank you so much, I never thought of it that way and I feel totally uplifted, and he never had that problem again (the complaining problem). 

I don't let people complain to me, it's not that I'm not a good friend or that I don't want to be sympathetic but I can't have that negative energy affecting my space.  Let's figure out the problem and get an answer, point blank, it's that simple.  If we can't figure out the answer, don't stress let's pray about it and let God work it out.  In the meantime what can we/I learn from this? What is God trying to teach me? What lesson is to be learned here.

Perception and preperation.  Ladies, get Triple A, it's not that much and the hassle saved is worth it.  Pay your bills first, you'll be surprised how good you feel, which will make those shoes you had to wait for look even better on you.  Live YOUR life, not someone else's.  Trust me these are all lessons I had to learn the hard way, but I hope to pass on to you. 

Change your perception, change your reality, it may take some work at first but then it become second nature and now here you are living the fabulous life!

Stay Pretty
Love Always


Big Man Harris said...

Great stuff..... I can smell a movement....

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